Monday, March 15, 2010

My Work Space / Good and Bad Photos for Etsy

Here is my humble little work area, a small desk in the house. Simply organized, it works great for me!
Materials kept in simple and inexpensive plastic boxes, all organized. Finished products in protective bags. Pliers right at hand.

My little workspace

After experimenting with the best place in my house for taking photos of jewelry, it's right here at the top of my couch by the window. I use textured scrapbooking paper from Michael's for the background. My macro setting doesn't capture the shine of the jewels so I have to use Manual focus which eats up my camera batteries like crazy.

My photo place

Here are the shots made with this set up:

Photo example

Photo example

Here is my example of a BAD photo. It has been cloudy for days and it turned out so blurry. I have 6 more jewelry pieces to photograph and I'm waiting for the sun.

I tried to use my white balance feature and this is what happened... a pink background! I have a lot to learn about white balance!

What do you struggle with while taking photos for Etsy?


Anonymous said...

Nice organized area!

My batteries get eaten up quickly as well, I hadn't thought about the manual focus being the reason. I struggle with capturing true red. Also some of my vintage pottery has some crazy bright glaze shine making it difficult to capture the true color (I wind up catching my reflection)

Alessandra@ Tribal Times said...

I struggle keeping the babies smiley! I just let my photographer worry about taking the shot. It would look ridiculous for someone to peek in on one of our photo shoots. Usually, 4 adults making goo goo noises to a very perplexed baby.

Candice said...

Thanks for showing us where you take you photos. I have an Etsy shop as well, and I know that best lighting in the house often isn't the most convenient or easy! Beautiful work too!

Milomade said...

I invested in a couple of cheap table lamps and bought some daylight bulbs and now I can set up a little studio anywhere and don't have to wait for sunny days to take images of my work. I've also got the benefit of a little popup studio tent that my partner bought me for Christmas. I can honestlt say it's the best present he has ever got me as I use it all the time. I'll do a blog bpost about and post up some images so you can see what I mean.

Melissa said...

Awesome, Milomade, I will keep an eye out, I'd love to see it!

Kim Caro said...

it really is hard to get awesome photos. taking a class would help i bet, for me anyway.

also a neat work space is all we need, nothing fancy. clean and organized.

Valorie said...

I use full spectrum or 'daylight' bulbs in a normal, everyday lamp! They make a huge world of difference in my photos. I recently did a blog post about it with comparisons.

My light setup cost less than $10!

There is a description in my blog. I hope it helps you! :)

Raige Creations said...

Backgrounds are my problems! I like your setup - it looks easy. I have been making it difficult with fabrics....and your "bad" photo would be one of my better ones!

Anna K. said...

Love you little creative space!

I take my pictures on top of a bookshelf... :)

Make do with what you have access to!